You have high blood pressure if the upper pressure is higher than 140mmHg and the lower pressure is higher than 90mmHg. The ideal upper pressure is between 120-90 mmHg and the ideal lower pressure is between 80-60 mmHg.
High blood pressure is risky, especially in the vascular area; think of atherosclerosis. This is why it is important to correct high blood pressure as soon as possible. But how exactly do you do that? And how do you get hypertension?
Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood in your arteries - the vessels that carry your blood from your heart to your brain and the rest of your body. You need a certain amount of pressure to keep the blood flowing throughout the body.
Your blood pressure goes up and down throughout the day and night. It goes up when you are active and down when you are resting.
It is only when your blood pressure is always too high that you have hypertension.
the medical term for high bloodpressure is hypertension. It means that your blood pressure is constantly too high and that your heart has to work harder to pump blood around your body.
Too high a blood pressure is very serious. If left untreated, it can lead to heart problems such as a heart attack or stroke. It can also lead to kidney failure, heart failure, vision problems and vascular dementia.
Although your arteries are flexible to cope with your blood pressure going up and down, when your blood pressure is high, your arteries lose their flexibility because they become stiff or narrowed. The narrowing makes it easier for fatty deposits (atheroma) to clog them.
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can cause headaches, blurred vision and shortness of breath. However, you will only experience these symptoms if the condition is very serious.
Some people have a higher risk of developing high blood pressure.
For example, older people - especially those over 60 - have a higher risk of developing high blood pressure. This is because the blood vessels gradually become harder and less flexible as we get older. If you think you are at risk of developing high blood pressure, you should talk to your doctor about possible treatments.
Regular blood pressure checks at your doctor's surgery or at home with a blood pressure monitor can be crucial in diagnosing hypertension.
If you think you may be at risk of developing high blood pressure, you should contact your doctor to discuss treatment options.
Now that you understand what high blood pressure is, and we have explained above how it develops, we will now look at the differences between the causes of high blood pressure:
Primary hypertension tends to develop with age. There is no single identifiable cause for this type of high blood pressure. This makes it difficult because you do not know exactly what you can do about it. For primary hypertension, it is all about making certain lifestyle changes to lower blood pressure.
In up to 95% of cases of high blood pressure in our country, the underlying cause is not identified. Although essential hypertension is still something of a mystery, it is associated with certain risk factors.
High blood pressure tends to run in certain families and is more common in men than in women. Age and background also play a role. In the United States, for example, blacks are twice as likely to have high blood pressure as whites.
Nitric Oxide and Blood pressureClick on the button above to learn all about the importance of nitric oxide production in your blood vessels. Recover-Me stimulates the production of this nitric oxide molecule.
Secondary hypertension, on the other hand, is caused by a number of factors, such as adrenal tumours or kidney problems such as renal artery stenosis (a condition that causes the arteries to narrow).Because secondary hypertension is the result of an underlying cause, it can be treated by treating that cause.
The combination of the right amino acids in Recover-Me Vascular in the right proportions, together with the carrier Palatinose (disaccharide), a slow-burning, non-cariogenic carbohydrate, has a strong supporting role in the slow release of nitric oxide and the endothelial cell relaxation process, thus having a positive effect on blood pressure and renal function.
The kidneys play an important role in the regulation of blood pressure.
The kidneys are vascular organs whose main function is to filter waste products, excess toxins and extra water from the bloodstream.
Blood is forced through the glomerulus (microscopic filters), which removes bacteria, dead cells and waste products (at about 570 ml per minute), balancing minerals, salts and water before returning to the bloodstream via the renal vein.
Without this balanced process, nerves, muscles and other tissues in your body would not function properly. The kidneys also play an important role in regulating hormone function.
Studies on the importance of nitric oxide function in the cardiovascular system.
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From customer feedback, we have learned that people with impaired kidney function who take Recover-Me Vascular for general support have noticed changes in blood flow to the kidneys.
They report an increased frequency of urination immediately after the first taking the product. It can take up to a week for this to return to a normal frequency, depending on the stored toxins. This has a very positive effect on the user's overall health and well being.
Watch this short video
Recover-Me is a unique formula, is created in response to the discovery of the molecule, nitric oxide in the blood vessels. This discovery was so revolutionary that it won the Nobel Prize.3
This molecule is a signalling molecule that ensures that blood pressure remains in the correct range. So if the blood pressure is high, it takes action to bring it down and if it is too low, it makes sure that the blood pressure goes up to get the blood flowing to all organs.
Firstly, blood pressure determines the degree to which the heart expands (systolic) and contracts (diastolic) between beats.
When the heart muscles relax, the four chambers expand and pull blood through the veins. When the heart muscles contract, the volume of the chambers decreases, followed by a relaxation phase in which oxygenated blood is sucked from your lungs into the ventricles, where it is pushed or pumped out through the blood vessels into the capillary system that runs throughout your body.
That's where Recover-Me can help. It's a supplement that triggers the body to increase the production of nitric oxide in your blood. | | 4why unique|
5https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm | 6
We all have blood pressure because blood is being pumped around our bodies. Without this pressure, the blood would stagnate and be unable to carry nutrients and oxygen to all the cells in our bodies and remove waste products and carbon dioxide.
If our organs are not nourished, they will die. In short, blood pressure is vital. Our heart regulates blood pressure by pumping and circulating blood through our arteries, but our blood vessels also play an important role.
In everyday life, we don't feel how high or low our blood pressure is. Only in extreme situations, but we will come back to that later. So we are completely unaware when our blood pressure is too high.
Because constant high blood pressure is very dangerous for our health, it is also called 'the silent killer'.
Your heart is the engine of your vascular system, or the blood vessels that run through your body, the circulatory system within our body. Fun fact: Did you know that if we put all our blood vessels back to back, they could be wrapped around the earth several times?
Whether large blood vessels or small blood vessels (capillaries), without the pumping of your heart no blood would flow through them. Hence, good blood pressure is essential for the optimal functioning of our body.
The heart is constantly pumping blood through the arteries, in our closed circuit of blood vessels. When the blood flows through the arteries, it puts pressure on the walls of the blood vessels. The force the blood exerts on the walls of the blood vessels is called blood pressure.
When your heart pumps, squeezes, the heartbeat we feel, we call the upper pressure. The negative pressure is the meeting when the heart is relaxed. When there is a great pressure on the blood, more tension is created on the blood vessels.
When your heart pumps, squeezes, the heartbeat we feel, we call the upper pressure. The negative pressure is the meeting when the heart is relaxed. When there is a great pressure on the blood, more tension is created on the blood vessels.
Since our vascular system is the lifeline, of our human body, it is very important that we keep our blood vessels well and thus our blood pressure under control. By this we mean a blood pressure that falls within the good values. Facts on Veins
When is blood pressure too high? Usually, the following values are used:
Level of blood pressure | Systolic (upper pressure) | Diastolic (lower pressure)
Normal 120 - 129 mmHg 80 - 84 mmHg
High-normal 130 - 139 mmHg 85 - 89 mmHg
Slightly elevated 140 - 159 mmHg 90 - 99 mmHg
Moderately elevated 160 - 179 mmHg 100 - 109 mmHg
Severely elevated > 180 mmHg > 110 mmHg
"Normal blood pressure" is not a uniform concept. For example, a child's blood pressure at values of 100 upper pressure versus 60 lower pressure is quite normal, while for a 70-year-old, an upper pressure of 150 versus 90 lower pressure is normal.
In secondary hypertension, a cause of high blood pressure is detectable. In fact, this type of high blood pressure is caused by an underlying condition.It usually appears suddenly and causes higher blood pressure than primary hypertension.
Usually, high blood pressure does not cause any symptoms and you do not notice it, However, if the blood pressure is extremely high, then headache, dizziness and blurred vision may occur.
Changing eating, drinking and living habits are important steps to lower blood pressure. Even if you have been prescribed medication by your doctor.
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